Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Drinking? What can cleanse my liver?

Hi there,

After a night of drinking, what can clean my liver of all the alcoholic substances?

Is there something i can drink? Something that i can Eat?

Kind Regards.Drinking? What can cleanse my liver?
The only way to clear your liver of alcohol is to not drink in the first place. Long term and heavy alcohol consumption eventually leads to cirrhosis of the liver. It's a painful way to die.Drinking? What can cleanse my liver?
your body does this without outside help. drink lots of water.
Water,vitamin c from fruits,sports.
Liver detoxification is helped by B vitamins, sulphur containing foods such as onions and brussels sprouts etc., lots of water and a healthy life style.

When you/we start to feel intoxicated, it is because, at that point, the liver is no longer able to keep up with the detoxification of the amount of alcohol you/we have already ingested.

I you are going to go drinking - perhaps you should take a strong vitamin B supplement before going out, at least that way - your liver has some of the substances needed for liver detox.

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